As the year draws to a close, let’s reflect on the whirlwind year Lespwa Lavi had in Haiti. 2023 started off with uncertainty as gang warfare moved into our neighborhood.  But God used the opportunity to show what only He can do.

Highlights from 2023

  • January: Twenty women received microbusiness loans and business coaching

  • February: Ground breaks on new school campus.  Gangs attack houses around Lespwa Lavi.  As thousands flee the area, our staff stay and hand out emergency food packs

  • March: Water filter distribution to vulnerable households serves hundreds during a cholera epidemic.  Lespwa Lavi hires first USA staff.  Sponsor’s banquet in Bismarck sells out

  • May: First classroom construction complete.  The Amazing Race for Haiti sets record number of sponsors and sells out.

  • June: Record number of graduates from child advocacy program

  • July: U16 women’s soccer win league championship.  

  • August: Teacher training on child rights and trauma-informed care

  • September: Lespwa Lavi Academy opens!

  • October: Enrollment at Lespwa Lavi fills with 250 children who cannot afford any other school.  Emergency food arrives from 8 hours drive away

  • November: Drought in the Artibonite leaves over a million people in famine.  Children in the nutrition program continue to thrive.  Over 300 children fed daily.  No water-borne illnesses for a record 10 months.  Computer lab opens

  • December: Five university scholarships awarded to our graduates.  With primary school classrooms filled - plans to expand are underway!

3rd Grade Classroom

What will your impact be?

The thing is…those gangs are still there.  Both roads in and out of Verrettes are closed.  The Dominican Republic border is closed.  People are desperate and hungry.  Yet we continue to move forward.  Lespwa Lavi did not originally set out to be a disaster relief organization, and our primary focus remains education and opportunity for the youth of Haiti….but we believe we were set up in Verrettes for such a time as this.  Hope through meeting practical needs allows children to see the Love that grants hope eternal in Christ.  We love on these children because He first loved us.  

The waiting list for our programs remains full.  We can only grow with your support.

Double your Donation with Gift Match!

Consider an end of year, tax-deductible gift to launch Lespwa Lavi into 2024 - our 10th year serving in Verrettes, Haiti!  Our goal is to raise $25,000 by the new year.  Thanks to a few generous partners, every dollar donated through December 31st will be matched 100%, up to $12,000!!!

Here’s what your giving will do:

  • Build an additional classroom building, as well as a dedicated lab building to house the computer lab, science lab and library

  • Build a church

  • Fund expansion of our nutrition program

Nika Pierre-Louis