FREQUENTLY asked questions

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Q: What is Lespwa Lavi?

A: “Lespwa Lavi” means “Hope for Life” in Haitian Creole. We are a non-governmental charity focused on equipping and preparing Haitian students to transform their community and the world for the glory of Jesus Christ

Q: What is MS Academy Verrettes?

A: MS Academy Verrettes is the name of the soccer academy affiliated with Lespwa Lavi in Verrettes, Haiti.

Q: Where are you located?

A: The mission of Lespwa Lavi is located in Verrettes, in the central Artibonite region of Haiti.

Q: Are you 501(c)(3) certified?

A: Yes!

Q: How can I make a donation to Lespwa Lavi?

A: You can click on the Give tab and choose a donation gift or custom amount.  Donations can also be sent by check to: 

Lespwa Lavi Academy
PO Box 352
Bismarck, ND 58502

Q: What is a child sponsorship?

A: A child sponsorship is a one-to-one investment by the sponsor in the life of a child. Through sponsorship, the children receive 100% of their daily nutrition 5 days a week, clean water access, a scholarship to attend school, access to community programs, and most importantly, an advocate who works with their guardians and teachers to give them opportunities for success.

Q: How can I communicate with my sponsored child?

A: Once you sponsor a child, you will create a REACH account. You can send electronic messages to your sponsored child by logging into your account. Please allow 2-4 weeks for a reply due to limited internet access in Verrettes. You will also receive an annual report on your child.

Q: Where does the sponsorship money go?

A: 100% of sponsorship money goes to Haiti. Part of the money from each sponsorship is directly allocated to your chosen child’s nutrition program enrollment, school scholarship, medical care fund, and a portion of their advocate’s salary. The other part of the money is more generally allocated to the salary of office staff in Haiti, supporting children in sponsorship transition, and the Lespwa Lavi building fund which will benefit all sponsored children first when our building projects are complete. Overhead costs for the program including credit card and website fees and any marketing expenses are covered through private donations and are not taken from the $38/month.

Q: What is REACH app?

A: REACH app is the online platform we use to run the child sponsorship program and specific donation campaigns. If you are sponsoring a child, you can use REACH app to send messages and exchange photos with your child in Haiti. The messages are translated into French and reviewed by our administrators. Your child can send messages back to you!

Q: Can I send a gift to my sponsored child?

A: Due shipping costs and delivery challenges, at this time we cannot accept gifts. There will be opportunities throughout the year to purchase gifts for your sponsored child which will support the local Haitian economy.

Q: Does child sponsorship really make a difference?

A: Check out our STAT REPORT.

Q: What makes Lespwa Lavi different from other charities?

A: Lespwa Lavi creates sustainable programs in the community of Verrettes that provide long-term solutions to poverty and lack of education. Our programs are designed by Haitians and executed by Haitians who know and understand their own community. One of the major impacts Lespwa Lavi has had is on the lives of young girls in the community, championing equal rights for women.

Q: What programs are you operating in Haiti right now?

A: As of 2022 Lespwa Lavi is operating a soccer academy, nutrition program, child advocacy programs, a church, and clean water initiatives.

Q: Why aren’t you building the school yet?

A: The Lespwa Lavi Academy building project is on hold due to the ongoing political unrest in Haiti and skyrocketing material costs. We are looking into other options to move the Academy plans forward, and praying for an end to the violence and corruption in Haiti.

Q: Are you affiliated with a church denomination?

A: Lespwa Lavi is non-denominational. We do not require the children in our program to follow any religion, rather our staff consistently model the love of Christ by example. Prayer and Biblical devotions are presented in the soccer academy and at the nutrition program, but there is no requirement for the children to accept the teachings in order to be involved. The church we help operate in Haiti is affiliated with the Assemblies of God and fully funded by Evangel Church in Bismarck, ND.

Q: What is Amazon Smile and how can it benefit Lespwa Lavi?

A: AmazonSmile is a way for you to have 0.5% of your eligible purchases donated non-profit charities of your choice. It's free and easy to participate.  All you have to do is:

  1. Go to or use this direct link:

  2. Select Lespwa Lavi

  3. Shop

Q: Where can I buy the Hunger for Hope book?

A: You can purchase Hunger for Hope directly through our website by clicking on the Book tab at the top. The book is also available on Amazon.

Q: How can I find out more information?

A: Contact us here.


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