Working with Lespwa Lavi

Sarah Legreid worked as an administrative assistant on the USA team and was instrumental in getting Lespwa Lavi Academy off the ground this fall. Now she is entering a doctorate program in England and we are looking to add a new admin assistant and/or intern. Check out her experience below.

To apply, fill out our application and email

Tell us about your role as an administrative assistant: I have had the privilege of getting to work in many different areas on the team. From content creation, to behind the scenes with our child sponsorship reports, to brainstorming for the Lespwa Lavi Academy chaplaincy plan and interviewing teachers…it has included a bit of everything! In fact, from the beginning Nika sat down with me and shared her heart on finding roles that would fit with my unique skill set and passions. I really appreciated that because it allowed me to serve where I naturally have gifting.

What were some of your favorite projects to work on this year? My favorite project that I was able to work on was the interviewing of teachers and helping plan for the opening of the new school. I really enjoyed getting to know the team.

What was the most rewarding part of working with Lespwa Lavi? The most rewarding part of working with Lespwa Lavi is knowing that in whatever role or task I was fulfilling, it ultimately had a direct impact on the lives of others and the Kingdom of God. I truly felt like I was helping make a difference in other people’s lives. And not only that, but this directly impacted my life and heart. I found myself becoming even more globally focused and mission minded.

Was there any part of your job that was challenging? The part of my job that was particularly challenging was working to understand the cultural differences between the United States and Haiti. (This was also a very fun opportunity!) It really requires a heart that is open to learning from others and extending your own worldview. Naturally, this can be an uncomfortable process at times.

Why did you choose to be a part of the Lespwa Lavi team? I chose to be part of the Lespwa Lavi team because I felt like the Lord was calling me to serve where I saw opportunity, as well as where I recognized there was need. I knew that being part of the team would allow me to serve God and others in very practical and tangible ways. I also quickly learned that Nika and Ricardo are such awesome, easy-going people to work with. They have a heart of empowering others and I found that extremely refreshing to work with.

What kind of person would enjoy interning with Lespwa Lavi? Who should apply? I think this role would be great for anyone who has a desire to be part of what God is up to in the world. If you are creative, a self-starter, willing to think outside of the box and be humble and open to learning through the process, you will fit right in! This is such an amazing way to use your life for something bigger than yourself.

Thank you for all your hard work Sarah. We can’t wait to see where God takes you next!

Nika Pierre-Louis