Crisis in Haiti: A Call to Prayer

A worsening humanitarian crisis is unfolding in Haiti. This crisis is now affecting Verrettes and the Lespwa Lavi programs.

Many of you are following the news and are well aware that Haiti has been in a downhill spiral economically, politically and socially for the past several months. With the loss of Haitian government, gangs now control the entire country through violent means. Since the president was assassinated on July 7th, the crisis has rapidly worsened, and the country is at a breaking point.

In the past 10 days, gang leaders have grown increasingly bold, kidnapping Americans in an attempt to force Prime Minister Ariel Henry to step down, and over the weekend, gangs across the country organized roadblocks and halted the delivery of fuel, causing a cascade of deadly problems. At this moment, travel by motor vehicle is impossible and going out into the street means endangering one's life in every city of the nation. Schools have closed at this time and hospitals are in dire straights. For most people in Haiti, especially in Verrettes, staying home and staying safe is impossible. It is necessary to go to the market to sell goods or to work to earn a dollar or two, then to use that to buy food for the day. These families' homes do not have a refrigerator and well-stocked pantry, or pipes of clean water coming in to their home. Staying home would mean to starve.

At Lespwa Lavi, there is exactly 14 days of food supply remaining for the children's nutrition program, so we are asking you to join us in prayer for the next two weeks for a miraculous intervention in Haiti. We need the roadblocks to clear so our staff and pick up more food two hours away in Titanyen. Since its beginning almost exactly 2 years ago, the children have never missed a day of nutrition, and we know that God cares for them more than the lilies of the field.

Each day for the next 2 weeks we will send out a call to prayer. Together we will dig in to these issues and remember the miracles God has already performed.

Please join us. Make sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Share our prayer posts over the next two weeks to get as many voices joining together in community as we can.

Nika Pierre-Louis