The Amazing Race for Haiti 2023

We are still praising God for the success of this year's annual Amazing Race for Haiti! With the help of 30 registered teams and multiple downtown business sponsors, we were able to raise over $6000 and sponsor/renew sponsorship for 12 kids. The majority of the funds raised will go directly to child sponsorships with a small portion allocated for the new school that we are in the process of building in Verrettes, Haiti. Thank you to everyone who volunteered, participated, and sponsored for the event!

While our team at Lespwa Lavi strongly believes in The Amazing Race, we don’t want you to just take our word for it. Check out what one recent participant said about how the race has impacted her family:

“My family and I have participated in the local annual Bismarck Lespwa Lavi Amazing Race for the last three years. Every year we have a ton fun playing a high-energy game through downtown Bismarck. The scavenger-like challenge teaches our family to work as a team, and it opens our eyes to a part of the world that is near and dear to us. This year was no different. My kids and I learned a lot of what the day-to-day Haitian life entails. Not only the hardships that they endure, but how what we take for granted here is always a prayer and hope for them there. My kids get a chance to see why we give. Why we must think beyond ourselves and why it matters. In our first world American culture this can be very difficult to show our kids. This event brings that home for them while also giving us an extra special afternoon of bonding! One of our favorite challenges is always the library but this year they added a picture scavenger hunt that was also very fun. We all learned the most about life in Haiti at the challenge of trying to live a day in Haiti. Chilling to think you couldn’t provide the basic needs to your child. They hit it home with fun and a dose of reality we all need to remember.” - Trish, 2023 Amazing Race Participant

It’s apparent that God is doing mighty things in Haiti, as well as in our local community of Bismarck. We can’t wait to see how He will continue to move and how we can continue to partner with what He is doing in the world. Stay tuned for some exciting news regarding the opening of the new Lespwa Lavi Academy in Verrettes!

Sarah Legreid