When Words Fail...

When words fail, stories still need to be told. 

The famous Haitian proverb “Dèyè mòn, gen mòn”, translates “Beyond every mountain, there is another mountain”…..sometimes the mountains appear impassable.

It’s been difficult to find words that can express what is happening in Haiti. 

Disaster, chaos, terror

Murder, rape, kidnapping

Drought, cholera, famine

The country has destabilized to the definition of humanitarian crisis.  The president was assassinated 2 years ago, and today there are zero elected officials in the government.  With violent gangs controlling over 80% of the capital city, fair and democratic elections seem off the table.  Over 50% of Haiti’s population cannot read or write, and schools were closed for the majority of the year….because of violence or because no one could afford the tuition fee.  Inflation and cost of goods rose over 700% in some areas. 

According to the UN food security report published 3 days ago, half of Haiti’s population – 4.9 million people – are facing emergency-level food crisis for the first time in history.  Haiti was upgraded by the UN to “the highest level of concern” for hunger, meaning these millions of people are facing projected starvation.  NOW.  The only other countries at this level are Sudan, Mali, and Burkina Faso. 

Vigilante violence against gangs is also on the rise in what some call a civil war.  With illegal arms being imported from multiple countries, Haiti’s 9,000 police officers are outgunned by a long shot.  The UN has reported that more civilians have been killed in 2023 in Haiti than in Ukraine. 

What words can describe this death, darkness and desperation?

But also…..

Salvation, order, determination

Refuge, peace, redemption

Renewal, healing, resource




The Lord has placed his caretakers for such a time as this.  The ones He has prepared.  The ones truly called to His purpose.  Mettle tested, character driven, trust proven….these ones are rising in Haiti. 

“I will go before you and will level the mountains”  – Isaiah 45:2

The same God who watches sparrows and clothes the lilies is holding every little brown hand in Haiti.  Every child huddled under the bed while gunshots fire…every mother going hungry so her children can eat once each day…every teacher braving the occupied roads to work for the future….every social advocate intervening on human rights violations…every police officer placing themselves in harms’ way…every farmer bringing their crops to market, whether anyone can buy it or not…these are God’s people, and we are one family.

“For I am the LORD your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.” 

Whether the help is international aid, community based, or strictly miraculous, we know people will be used to accomplish His purposes.  Partners like you are part of the plan. 

Why so sure there is a plan?

-          We’ve witnessed tremendous courage and hope against all odds in our staff and the Haitian community we serve.

-          Despite rising cholera and typhoid deaths throughout the region, since Lespwa Lavi distributed water filters 3 months ago, we have seen ZERO water-borne illnesses among our children.

-          3 months ago the people of Verrettes peacefully stood against the gangs and formed a community alliance to support the police force.  To this day the city remains a refuge of peace despite dozens of gangs terrorizing the remainder of the Artibonite region. 

-          The road utilized by our emergency food source has inexplicably remained open, and more help is on the way soon.

- The church continues to see miracles and remains open, feeding their community every Sunday.

-          We surpassed 150 children FULLY SPONSORED last month

-          As for the future?  We’ve got an exciting announcement coming soon, but for now….don’t worry about our Lespwa Lavi kids missing any more school days….

Here’s WHY there is a plan:

Jameson [name changed] was orphaned at a young age.  He and his older brother were adopted by a neighbor who had no children of her own.  She found them wandering in the street after their parents’ death.  Jameson does not know his real birthday.  He was severely malnourished with stunted growth.  Then he was found to have tuberculosis.  His adoptive mother cared for him and got him proper medical care.  She paid for him and his brother to go to primary school.  Unfortunately, as a single mother, she could not afford secondary school tuition, which is often the equivalent of an entire year’s salary, so the boys stopped their education at 6th grade.

When Jameson was 14 he met a Lespwa Lavi advocate and asked to be enrolled in the sponsorship program.  A year later, he was sponsored at an Amazing Race for Haiti event.  When he was first enrolled, Jameson had no idea what to expect.  His biggest goal was to learn how to drive so that he might get a job as a taxi driver one day, a job that is now obsolete due to lack of fuel.  

He quickly advanced in school and attended the nutrition program every day with his brother (who was also sponsored!)  When schools closed in the fall of 2022, Jameson was at the Lespwa Lavi tutoring program every day it was open.

In December, Jameson was hospitalized with cholera.  His family’s only water source, a public water tap, had become contaminated.  Fortunately, because he notified his advocate right away, he was able to access medical care immediately, and he recovered quickly.  Jameson and his family received a household water filter this spring.  Now he is back in school, has advanced two grades and plans to study agricultural science after he graduates in a few years. 

Jameson…the orphan, the sick, the hungry, the thirsty…has hope.

“Thank you for your support, which is essential in my life so that in the future I will become a useful Citizen to my Community.

I see that you are people dedicated to supporting the weakest....May God in his love keep and bless you.”

- Jameson

Jameson and his brother laugh as they share a meal at the nutrition program after he was released from the hospital.

“So is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to my empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.” – Isaiah 55:11

Stay tuned for Lespwa Lavi Academy news!

Nika Pierre-Louis